Tuesday, January 24, 2006

1 Man and 1 Woman

Tonight I stumbled on a press conference on the PCN (Pennsylvania Cable Network) regarding a possible amendment to Pennsylvania law that would define marriage as being between a man and a woman. There was a group of people in opposition to the change representing the gay and lesbian community who were voicing their concerns.

Let me continue by first saying that I have nothing against gay and lesbian people. Let's get that out of the way right at the get go. I do have a problem with their choice of lifestyle. I believe that it is strictly prohibited by God. End of story. I'm sorry that these people feel like people are trying to make them "second class citizens." They're not. They're simply saying marriage is between a man and a woman, as God, who just happens to be the One that created marriage, intended it. Please tell me, if all living beings were homosexual, how would there by any reproduction? How would life continue on? If we want to get a little more into the nitty gritty, look at male and female anatomy. They seem to fit together quite nicely, I'd say.

It bothers me when I hear people saying (as they did tonight) that they believe in a loving God who basically supports their alternative lifestyle. I'm sorry, no He doesn't. That is made quite clear throughout the Bible. And your church you're attending is not preaching the truth to you if they're not telling you that you need to change your lifestyle.

And while we're at it, don't call me a homophobe because I don't agree with homosexuality. I'm not afraid of homosexual people at all. I just don't agree with their lifestyle. I believe that term was coined to really make people like myself come off in a bad light. You don't agree with the gay agenda...boom you're a homophobe, and that sounds dirty and scary.

If you want the truth on how to live your life, turn to the Bible. I'll be the first to admit that I don't get it right nearly as often as I should, but I try.

That's my $.02 for the night. What's yours?

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