Tuesday, November 29, 2005
While I was taking a look at ESPN I noticed a story about Arlen Specter and Terrell Owens. The gist of the article was that Sen. Specter saying that there might be some sort of anti-trust issue at stake between the Eagles and Owens.
Terrell Owens might be a great football player, and he might have some great talent, but that doesn't make up or excuse the way that he treated his team and the Eagles organization as a whole. Owens, in my opinion, seems to be a very "it's all about me" type of person. He even got miffed that the Eagles didn't recognize a certain milestone recently. He seems like a person that just likes to run his mouth whenever he feels like it and doesn't care what he really says and what sorts of repercussions his words and actions might have. I know that if I did and said some of things he did and said at my job, I'd be out of work in a hurry.
I guess what bothered me about Sen. Specter's comments is that it seems to me like there are a lot more pressing matters to be looked into than Terrell Owens' lack of a job.
Our country is facing some tough times on a lot of fronts. We're being forced to take a stand for what we believe in and not waffling no matter what our detractors might say. It's high time for our country to return to the roots that it was founded on and not the garbage that passes as "acceptance" and "tolerance" today. By that I mean the acceptance and tolerance that forces those with Christian convictions to feel like they are the perverts, the haters, and the weirdos because they will not accept every perversion under the sun.
There's my little rant for the night :).
Terrell Owens might be a great football player, and he might have some great talent, but that doesn't make up or excuse the way that he treated his team and the Eagles organization as a whole. Owens, in my opinion, seems to be a very "it's all about me" type of person. He even got miffed that the Eagles didn't recognize a certain milestone recently. He seems like a person that just likes to run his mouth whenever he feels like it and doesn't care what he really says and what sorts of repercussions his words and actions might have. I know that if I did and said some of things he did and said at my job, I'd be out of work in a hurry.
I guess what bothered me about Sen. Specter's comments is that it seems to me like there are a lot more pressing matters to be looked into than Terrell Owens' lack of a job.
Our country is facing some tough times on a lot of fronts. We're being forced to take a stand for what we believe in and not waffling no matter what our detractors might say. It's high time for our country to return to the roots that it was founded on and not the garbage that passes as "acceptance" and "tolerance" today. By that I mean the acceptance and tolerance that forces those with Christian convictions to feel like they are the perverts, the haters, and the weirdos because they will not accept every perversion under the sun.
There's my little rant for the night :).