Monday, September 12, 2005

Save the Trees...and Kill the Children

I was listening to Casting Crown's new album LifeSong tonight. On the "While You Were Sleeping" track, some of the lyrics hit me:

United States of America
Looks like another silent night
As we're sung to sleep by philosophies
That save the treees and kill the children.

I don't think you could really the nail more on the head than that for our nation. It seems like often times the ones who protest so much to save the whales, the owls, the trees, etc. don't care if millions of innocent children are slaughtered (and yes...a child is a child, whether born or not, it doesn't take much logic to figure that one out) each year.

These are the same people who would have us believe that our entire existence just **BANG** came into being one day by some random chance. The other day a couple of coworkers and I figured out the chance of guessing a 4 CHARACTER sequence made up of numbers and letters on the first try the other day. Try something like .000059537 percent chance. That's just for an incredibly simple task. Just imagine the complexity of the entire universe. I have a hard time imagining that it came into being by pure chance, but that's the great thing about this country. I'm free to offer my opinion, and you are free to agree or disagree with it. So...agree or disagree away!

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