Friday, October 15, 2004

Tonight's Thoughts

Let me first just say that wireless internet access is a great thing. I can post tonight without even having to leave my bedroom. But I digress. We're now getting down to the wire in the Presidential race. I find that the whole process can really be frustrating at times. I feel very passionate about who I'm going to vote for for President, as I'm sure many other people do. I really believe in my heart that George Bush is the right man at the right point for the job. I know that others think John Kerry is, and I really have trouble seeing why sometimes. But I suppose everyone has their own "world view," and they will vote as they see fit. It's frustrating to watch how things are spun back and forth. It would be almost better sometimes if there were no "Spin Doctors" for either side - just the candidates. Just be real with us. I think Bush does a better job of that, and I understand that things are a certain way in politics for whatever reason, but I wish that it could be different sometimes. We watched the third Presidential debate last night, and I though Bush had his best showing yet. I thought he looked comfortable and confident, and he had a lot of good points to make. From a Christian point of view, I loved what Bush had to say about his faith. It was just another reassurance of why I believe he is the right man for the job. Kerry had some interesting things to say about his faith, and I'm not going to be the one to judge him, but I would just like to point out a couple observations I made. Kerry mentioned that "faith without works is dead," and tried to tie to that Bush's job performance. Funny that the people who push so hard for Separation of Church and State (which by the way is a myth; it was never intended to take the form that liberals have changed it into. The Constitution says, "Congress shall make no law regarding the establishment of religion or the prohibition thereof." It does NOT say that religion can't be involved in government. It's meant to keep government out of religion, NOT vice versa.) will use Scripture to attack someone. Secondly I thought it was interesting that Kerry mentioned that gays and lesbians are created that way. Sorry, John. You're not reading the same Bible I am. It says we are all created in God's image. It also says that the practice of homosexuality is an abomination. Taking that reasoning, God could not create anyone as a homosexual. Plus it just goes against the laws of nature. It shouldn't take too much effort to see that. Kerry wants to play both sides. He wants to quote Scripture, but then he makes statements that are in STARK contradiction to what the Bible says. I just thought it was interesting. Take it for what it's worth.
And those are tonight's thoughts...

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