Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Covington Woods

This weekend we saw The Village twice. First we saw it Friday night with a group of college (plus Brownwyn and Samm) friends. Most of them were disappointed, and I won't really go into why, since that would spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen this flick already. I loved it. I like movies with twists that make you think a little and have questions once you get out of the theatre. A film professor of mine once said that a film only exists in the amount of time shown on screen. We really don't know anything about what happened prior in the story (unless it's mentioned in the film), and we can't really know anything about what happens after the end of the film, since the film isn't really reality at all. I hope that made sense. It does to me, but it's a little much to put into words. I've read so much stuff about this movie, people try to theorize how things happened and why. I say just go see it, and if you like it, that's good, and if not, that's cool too.

Then we went to see The Manchurian Candidate. I was so psyched to see that movie. However, it's in one of the two quite tiny rooms at the Arcadia Theatre. No big deal, right? Well there were 6 of us and 3 tickets, so you do the math. I thought it was odd that a brand new movie would be playing in one of the smaller rooms, when The Bourne Supremacy was older. Oh well, that's the management's choice I suppose. I suspect thought that were probably a lot of people that wanted to see that movie. Anyway, I think we're either going to go see it this weekend or perhaps on Tuesday - the cheap night.

Spending time with friends is always a great thing. Bryan, Jess, and Josh were up for the weekend, along with Samm and Brownwyn. We had lots of fun - like we always do. Bryan, Josh and I tried our best to learn what was "metro" and what was night. That quickly became the joke of the weekend. We would quickly proclaim that something was very metro if we thought so. Metro being metrosexual. It was a fun time. I guess you would have had to be there to get the full impact.

Congratulations to our friends, Rachel and Adam, on their engagement. They have both been great friends to us, and Adam and I were neighbors in college. We spent lots of good times together, like the "Summer of 2003" and many a poker night. Adam gets to live in the new University Commons, which used to be Corey Creek Apartments. He's one lucky dog.

Well I guess that is about it. Read a funny slogan yesterday - "Flush the Johns" (in reference to Kerry and Edwards). I think that puts it pretty well.

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